Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Music Tech Fest Hackathon

I attended the brilliant music tech fest hackathon! As well as getting to hang around for over 24 hours with an amazing group of talented techies, I got to see some of the awe inspiring creations and developments in the music tech world. I had a blast and even won a spot prize for my creation in the hack, the bendigorn. This can be seen in this vid!

 I made the flex sensors following this tutorial but added my own touches to make them work for me such as anti-static foam in between the copper tape pieces, and reducing the size and length.

They worked well and I ran them into Max/MSP to trigger some MIDI notes and then to modulate the pitch of those MIDI notes with the pitch bend.

Each of the 10 (only 9 actually worked :S) sensors gave of reading from 200 up to 500 in integers values.

I want to expand this in the future to create a digital grass!

Jitter Critter

I attended a jitter critter workshop at Make Bournemouth and made this awesome jitter snail, he was very very slow, some might say so slow it was unobservable to the human eye. He was cute though and we had a blast with the kids (and adults) making these critters! He even has a light to guide his way.