Monday 19 December 2011

Study with MIT and get a certificate, for FREE

MIT have expanded their courses online and you can now also gain certificates for studying with them and all for free.

Here is the link

Friday 16 December 2011

Focusrite competition

There is a competition to remix a song that was created in a day. The prize is a ton of equipment. This looks like fun even if it's just for the experience.

Here is the link

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Hard days night

The first chord of The Beatles- A Hard Days Night broken down and analysed. Such a hefty start to a song.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Square eater psychadelics

So after a little research into binaural recording, I have come across a few little crazy web pages, where you can sit and be immersed in different moods via visuals and audio candy. There is a lot of research into how the brain reacts to different frequencies being played at it and how intertwining these affects our moods. A few fun websites that may or may not make your eyes bleed.

Binaural beats seems to be the term to deem this kind of audio visual combobulation.